Summer Special!!
10% Discount on Irrigation
Systems,Outdoor Lighting and
Water Featuresif Scheduled by
August 1st.
Receive a 25% Discount on
OutdoorLighting or Water
Features with the Purchase
of an Irrigation


Our Mission: "Red and White Greenery's mission is to preserve and enhance green space in our communities for today and future generations."

Our Goal: "To be a sustainable, respected and credible outdoor design company that dedicates its working life to enhancing and preserving the environment in which we all live, work and play."

Red and White Greenery is committed to informing Austin's people about the positive effects of well-maintained green spaces; including lawns, landscapes, golf courses and parks. We want to inspire you to get involved and get passionate about green spaces!

Lifestyle Benefits of Green Spaces

Imagine your local park completely devoid of green. It's easy to take for granted the importance of green spaces in our lives. Red and White Greenery have shown the lifestyle benefits of green spaces through landscape design and experience in landscaping for over 25 years.

Privacy and tranquility. Well-placed plants provide privacy and tranquility by screening out busy street noises and offering a peaceful environment to your outdoor living space.

Lower crime and enhanced self-esteem. Studies over a 30-year period in communities, neighborhoods, housing projects and prisons show that when landscaping projects are promoted there is a definite increase in self-esteem and a decrease in vandalism.

Stress reduction. A study published in Environment and Behavior (Vol35:311.330) indicates that " boosting children's additional resources, green spaces may enable them to think more clearly and cope more effectively with life's stress".

Green space is beneficial to children. Studying the effects of green space, a Cornell University researcher indicated that "children who had the greatest gains in terms of 'greenness' between their old and new homes showed the greatest improvements in functioning.'

Health benefits. There is growing evidence that horticulture is important on a human level. Plants lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension related to stress, improve attention and reduce feelings of fear and anger or aggression. Good landscaping increases community appeal. Parks and street trees have been found to be second only to education in residents' perceived value of municipal services offered. Shade trees, well-landscaped grounds and places for taking walks to be among the most important factors considered when individuals chose a place to live.

Green spaces create communities. Studies conducted by the Human-Environment Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign indicate that "Green spaces are gathering places that create close-knit communities and improve well-being and in doing so, they increase safety."

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